Saturday, January 27

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

My hair has been growing noticeably lighter. So much so that even many students - who normally show the observational capability of a dodo - have asked whether I have had highlights. It's pretty cool, I should add. Unfortunately, I must also admit that I found three white hairs in the last few months. Only 3 I say with my fingers crossed.

There are many suggestions for their existence.

1) From all the swimming I'm doing, the chlorine might be involved. Remember, they were white, not gray.

2) They're just a freak anomaly.

3) I'm stressed.

4) I'm going grey.

5) If you look at the Japanese closely, most have a few white hairs. By most, I would guess 80%. Maybe I'm adjusting not just culturally but genetically to the society. Far-fetched, but cool.

Do any of the above sound the most rational, or anything else it could be down to?


Anonymous said...

Chlorine definately does have a bif effect. I noticed it the summer before when I was swimming a lot at uni... Tho thinking about it it MUST be due to you genetically and culturally adjusting!

Anonymous said...

oh dear seems as tho ur turning into someone, what about the front line of ur hair, is it moving a bit back?

Anonymous said...

your on the right track oli. Philip take a look in the mirror and think of Dadxxxxx!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

looooooool ur going grey. cant wait to see you when you come home, maybe you'll be fully grey. wen dads hair went grey he died it black and it went black and yellow so we called him a bee, therefore i do not suggest dying it black. love you
Tanya xxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

If it's any consolation Philip I don't have any grey hairs at all (a miracle) and I have a very full head of hair. On the other hand Grandpa Louis went grey and bald at a very early age. You can take what you want from that.
Mum xxx
P.S. You still look handsome to me.

Anonymous said...

by the way, being in japan so long must have made you forget to spell simple words e.g. "grey"
read back please, i hope this does not contine bruther xx