Saturday, February 3

Bean There, Done That

Setsubun has come and gone, and it was fantastic. A little silly, a little bizarre but a whole lot of fun.

A lot of chanting and throwing beans took place; I didn't realise we also throw the beans inside.

We both pretended to be the 鬼; the sounds you hear are the beans hitting the mask.

And then we ate our age worth in beans, mine cultiminating at 二十二歳 (ni ju ni sai - 22 years old).

Some of my older students ate their age; some at 60 or 70! That's a whole lotta beans.

For dinner, we ate "ehoumaki", a wider and longer than normal roll of sushi. Very delicious.

So, did anyone try it?


Anonymous said...

The baked beans did not fly so well and now we have red sauce everywhere! Ever tried a baked bean bath?
That reminds me how did you enjoy the baked beans and chocolate spiders?
and we thought shaking your lulav was weird?111

phil-san said...

You're fast!

Which means, you're either addicted, or incredibly bored!

Anonymous said...

i ate some baked beans, no actually they were peas. and i dropped some if that counts as throwing. also ur hair looks like it was when u were 12.

Anonymous said...

No it doesn't. When Philip was 12 we had to pin it back every night when he went to bed so that it would grow into 'curtains'. I feel really bad that we didnt do anything with beans - sorry. Still it looks like you had lots of fun. And I agree with all the previous comments about your wonderful blog and that you should try and get it published.
P.S. I have been trying to add a comment for days but it keeps crashing and nothing gets saved, so here goes again. Fingers crossed.

phil-san said...

Well, with lovely insights about embarassing anecdotes like that, what a shame you can't post more!

But, on a serious note, everything should be back to normal now. What do you think of the new look blog (right hand side - tree'd entries, pictures; title on the left)?