Sunday, February 11

The Pleasure And Pain Principle

After work last night, I went for a run at the gym. Afterwards, I was in the shower, and I had a shave. It may sound strange, but the sinks in the changing room bit have only cold water, and if you've put blade to face it's not such an exciting prospect. Soapily, I dropped my razor onto my foot and, before I knew it, there was blood gushing out of my toe. I don't think I've ever bled so much. It was just flowing and flowing. All I had was my towel and I didn't know what to do.

I held the cold water to my toe for a few minutes, but no change. I tried holding my foot up to slow down the blood flow, but that was just messy, and I looked like the crazy foreigner doing strange yoga-style stretches in the nude. As that suggests, no-one stopped to help. Thanks guys!

Finally, I gave up, held my (white) towel to my toe, and tried to stop the blood. This didn't help much so I made a mad dash for my locker: holding a blood-stained towel in one hand, leaving a trail of blood behind me, and the woman who was cleaning looking like she'd wasted her time.

I wrapped a plaster around it, and it bled through, but I got home and sorted it out.

Plasters are an incredible thing, and they've always proved useful to me and others I meet on my travels. You shouldn't be without one or two.

I know the gym wasn't going to be easy but this, this was ridiculous!


Anonymous said...

a sad tale. my favourite new word is 'soapily'

Anonymous said...

Hope [or is that "hop"] you're OK. Sounded very nasty. Luckily it was just your foot!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you're OK now. Was it the toe that you had the operation on?