Wednesday, February 14

Chocolate Heaven Since...Umm, 2007

I received chocolates today! Wasn't sure if I would, but I'm thrilled.

First off was from one of my Kinders, Moe, who is six. She informed me that it was 本命 (given to a loved one) and made me eat some in front of her. She gave me a big hug and seemed happy that I was beaming.

Next was from another Kinder, Mana. This time it was "only obligation chocolate" but she'd put quite a bit of effort into it, drawing a picture of a rather ruggedly handsome man, whom I'm assuming is a portrait of me.

From the next group up, at the age of 7, Kanna gave me the most amazing present of the three. Really shy, she handed me a package at the end and ran straight off before I could say thank you.

It was only tonight that I opened it and realised I'd received the much sought after Holy Grail of Valentine's chocolates - 手作り - hand-made chocolate. Beautifully presented, it seems a shame to eat them! I can't wait to see her and give her a huge hug.

It took me a second to realise the 'no' formed 'no-va'!

At Keiko's house tonight, I received even more home-made chocolate - white chocolate with strawberries, truffles, and brownies! - which I really didn't expect.

I only hope it wasn't 'obligation chocolate'!


Anonymous said...

How sweet.
The chocolate looks scrumpsish.
Now you have to give something in return. At least you have a month to think of it. Maybe something from England / Bournemouth.... a stick of rock.... woody!

Anonymous said...

woody? have u any double deckers left? u could give them as an insight into the world of the UK

phil-san said...

Glad you brought up the matter of 'woody'. I was going to ignore it. What does it mean?

Anonymous said...

How about packets of love hearts, with you explaining all the meanings.
Woody remember camp america????!

phil-san said...

Woody? I'm absolutely lost. Camp America you say, hmm...

Anonymous said...

senile dementia in one so young. The wooden thing you brought back.... they called you woody

phil-san said...

Well, that was when I went to Israel.

Regardless, where does it fit into Valentine's Day?