Sunday, December 16

Image Of The Week #68

I was waiting for the shuttle bus in the hotel lobby and popped into the public toilet. I did a double-take when I saw the bin. Look past the tissue and cigarette box. Is it...could it be.... why, it's egg shell!

(taken in hotel public toilet - 8th December, 2007)

Who takes a hard-boiled egg with them to the toilet? And if you do happen to have one in your bag, when does inspiration strike and you decide to peel it there? After all, you're either returning from a trip (wait until you get to your room) or you're heading out (can't you wait).

You may think it's equally weird for someone to be taking photographs of the contents of bins, but I'm showing you the world for what it really is.

Careful kids, there's a lot of strange people out there.


Anonymous said...

someone was hatching a plan?

phil-san said...
